3Pikas was hired by the City of Whitehorse to facilitate the engagement for the Transportation Master Plan (TMP). The TMP was created to guide how people and goods move around the city and was designed to set a vision of a community comprised of a multi-modal transportation network. The TMP set direction for a city where people, goods, and places are all conveniently connected by diverse transportation options and worked towards developing a safe, equitable, and sustainable transportation options and networks for all ages, abilities, incomes, and seasons.

The TMP comprised two distinct engagement phases aimed at connecting with the community to gain insight into the public’s priorities. The TMP engagement took place during the COVID pandemic, which impacted how we engaged during this time. Phase 1 focused on understanding how the current transportation network is experienced and perceived, as well as how the public envisions the future of transportation within the city. Phase 2 provided further insight into the communities’ priorities and overall levels of satisfaction with key areas shared in the TMP draft before finalizing the plan for Council approval.

Multiple webinars, open houses, and online surveys were conducted in both phases. In the spirit of diversity, youth and First Nation opinions were given direct attention and consultation. Students were asked to carry out an assignment to document (using video, photos, and drawings) key working and not working areas they encounter as they move through the city (walking, biking, and transit should be represented). Students were empowered to focus on the areas that matter most to them and show how they navigate through the urban landscape. Students’ content was compiled into PowerPoint presentations and presented to City Engineering and the consultant team. Engaging First Nation Governments in a discussion about the transportation network's past, present, and future (including exploring challenges and opportunities) provides a key opportunity for the City of Whitehorse to learn and incorporate First Nation local knowledge, values and priorities into the plan. Other activities included popup engagement to informally target a broader stroke of the community at the Canada Games Centre. These engagements with the public allowed for more extensive and diverse perspectives in the project, shaping the final TMP to serve all community members.

Acknowledgment: In the spirit of respect, reciprocity, and truth, we acknowledge that we live, work and play on the Traditional Territory of the Ta’an Kwäch’än Council and Kwanlin Dün First Nation and all people who make the City of Whitehorse their homes and whose relationships with the land continue to this day.


