Investing and enhancing the City’s transit system is one of Council’s Strategic Priorities to address the impacts of climate change and improve accessibility for residents across the City. The Transit Free Fare Study was conducted to investigate the state of the City of Whitehorse’s transit system. 3Pikas, in partnership with Steer, was tasked with helping the City understand the opportunities and barriers associated with free transit, including what changes could be made to increase ridership. 3Pikas advised on the structure and content of the engagement and provided independent facilitation at public events and meetings.
The programme introduced a range of options and generated a high level of interest among residents, many of whom were keen to take part in the study. The study methodology included surveys and interviews with multiple facets of the community, including First Nation Governments and other partners. The feedback provides valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities for improving public transit in Whitehorse. Through these interviews and surveys, participants were asked to identify factors that would increase their likelihood of using the transit system more often.
In terms of servicing options, the study found that while service enhancements would cost more and add to our operating costs, those costs could be offset by a boost in revenue from increased ridership. It would increase the frequency, the overall travel times and the quality of service.
Acknowledgment: In the spirit of respect, reciprocity, and truth, we acknowledge that we live, work and play on the Traditional Territory of the Ta’an Kwäch’än Council and Kwanlin Dün First Nation and all people who make the City of Whitehorse their homes and whose relationships with the land continue to this day.